The latest spot I worked on was for Sacramento Public Auciton. The cool thing about this spot was the location - inside a hangar at the old McClellan AFB. It's about 5 blocks from my house. My dream of riding my bicycle to the shoot almost came true again, except for the fact that I was providing the camera, tripod, MB, etc... But at least I had a 3 minute commute. The spot turned out well. The location was absolutely beautiful, an industrial building with neurtal tones and soft diffused light. The natural lighting was so nice, we only had to break out the kino 2' 2-bank on a couple of closeups, that's it! I even got a chance to flex my muscle in After Effects on this spot. It was a bit of an effort to time out each of the windows to the beat. Well, you can see for yourself here:
I'm also using the h.264 codec. It's quite nice, but not everyone has it. If you don't, you can download a free player at www.apple.com/quicktime