Whew! We just completed production on the Tile Outlet "Tile Obsession" spot, and I'm looking forward to cutting it. The day went very well, thanks to the efforts of the client and efforts on the part of the actors. A lot of planning went into this one, and it paid off. Here are some uncorrected screen grabs:

The Patient (Laura Moore) in the Psychologist's office (My Livingroom). This was lit by a shinyboard thru a CTO'd window, and a couple of 650s pumped into the ceiling for fill. There is also a 650 flooded out on the psychologist and patient. (no diffusion: either very bold, or in a hurry...)

MS on the Psychologist (Actor Brian Quigley). Pop-up factoid: Some of the books on the shelf are "Rockets, Satellites and Space Travel" "Michael Gets the Measles" and "Survive the Coming Nuclear War: How to do it."

An example of the patient's tile obsession: the tiled dog-house.

Even worse: the tiled automobile! Pop-up Factoid: the cover to the gas tank was left open, but the hood was sealed shut... good luck changing the oil!

A slow dolly 2-shot on location at a Tile Outlet retail store. This was a little more complicated than imagined, but at it turned out, the lighting was not that complicated. I just had to watch the color temps. We had a wall of windows pumping in slightly blue tinted soft sunlight (we scheduled this for afternoon as the windows are east facing). The overheads are some form of metal halide (6k kelvin?). For fill I used a 650 w/ full blue bounced off of a 4' shiny board to soften it.

It's a wrap! Left to right: Myself, Laura Moore, Brian Quigley, and Jamie Duckworth in beautiful Manteca, California!