Justin and Adina, the happy bride and groom...

Although the ceremony was in french, I was able to figure out what was going on...

Siobhan and I at the base of the Funicular. This structure was built for the 1976 olympics, however due to labor disputes, it wasn't finished until afterwards... D'oh!

Entrance to the funicular.

So what do you do with a city full of olympic-sized structures, but no olympics? Well you could make one a high-concept zoo and call it the "Biodome" Here is an image of me filming a fish.

Jeff O'Toole in the subway station.

We also visited the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Sure they had VanGoghs and Monets and all, but we knew what we came to see. Here is a pic of myself with a display featuring a 1970s era JVC model 3241 Videosphere television.
And now for your moment of zen (tm E.G. Petersen)...