This Delta flight was better. Due to it being an international flight, the movies and games were free. Decent movies and crappy games. Except one. A type of “trivial pursuit” that you can play real-time in 20 question rounds against other passengers. It’s great fun to lean over and watch the player in 34E cringe as you just beat him out of a common sense question!
We got into Munich airport and had a 2-hour difficulty in getting our rental car. Apparently they won’t let rental gars go into former soviet block countries, even though they are EU nations. Well, we had to rent from a special company, pay extra insurance, and get a larger car, an Opel Astra, not a VW Lupo like I’d hoped. We also had to buy a 7 euro road permit for Austria and a yellow safety vest before we could enter the country.
The Drive thru the Alps in Austria was AMAZING. Mountains rising nearly vertically on either side for hours after hours. We made our way to Hallstatt, the most picturesque “village by the lake at the base of the snow covered peaks” ever!

We found a B&B at the edge of the lake and got rooms looking out to the lake.

For Dinner we ate at the Gasthof Zauner restaurant, a 110 year old restaurant in town.

I had “Reynanke”, a local fish specialty from the lake.
After dinner we strolled thru the town and listened to a string group practicing in the church for their spring concert.