ktxl fox 40 was getting rid of some old tungsten lights. I was more than happy to swing by and pick up a few for the school.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Sunday, November 27, 2011
To find the perfect Christmas tree...
After about an hour wandering through the forest, it occurred to me to turn on my GPS tracking program on my G-phone. I captured the second hour of wandering. After two hours and about 2 1/2 miles of uphill, downhill and through the sticks all the way we found it...
But it's not about the prize, it's about the journey:

Sunday, November 13, 2011
3d camera pan kludge
I wouldn't even go so far as to call it a hack. my 3d web camera's lens is too narrow so I strapped it to a fan to make pan back and forth.
Friday, August 12, 2011
48 hr 3D project
I originally signed on as a camera operator when the original DP Eric Maddox, decided it would be too big an undertaking to be both DP and the stereographer for the shoot. He decided to focus solely on the 3D technical and he asked if I could take his place. Of course I said yes but it was quite a courageous decision for him to turn over that creative controls in order preserve the integrity of the film. I applaud that, I don't think I could have been able to do that. And as it was turned out it was the right decision.
Working with the 3D rig was incredibly complex and required constant fine tuning - a full time job in itself. Every time the camera was moved, even if just lifting it off the dolly and setting it on the ground required about 20 minutes of adjustments. Yes, this slowed things down a bit but on the upside 3D actually benefits from less coverage. You actually should linger longer on shots and cut less frequently in order to give the eye more time to adjust, so it evened out. We had to cut out quite a few beauty shots I wanted to get in order to keep all the scenes with minimum coverage. But then, what 48hr film doesn't have that happen...
Here is a link to the film and a BTS featurette:
Thanks to Erik Espera, Adobe, and every person who worked on the crew to produce such professional results in such a short time.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
My New Favorite Thing... Posterini

I found this website that will let you take a picture and build a movie poster out of it. It's not that bad, I crapped this one out in less than two minutes. Imagine if I spent three! The picture size is limited to about 1k resolution, but I'm talking with the developers about increasing it to a larger size. Right now it's free, but I could see charging for a larger sized option. Here is the site:
Saturday, July 09, 2011
Philo T. Farnsworth
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Click to see a larger image.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
County Fair Judging
judging short films for the county fair.
In the background you can see the other judging stations: Arts, Crafts, Photography, ect.
In the foreground is my judging station: a DVD/VHS/TV combo along with entries and forms. I have to say the high school student project compare very well to our 1st year college projects. Perks of the gig: pair of passes to next week's fair. I'm hoping for a demo derby experience...
Saturday, April 09, 2011
I bought a boat...
Well, a kayak actually. $40 on Craigslist. It's looks a lot better from 15' back than it does once you get up close. It's old. Lots of bumps and bruises but it seems to stay afloat (so far). If it doesn't go underwater, I'll do some live streaming when I take it out on the lake.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
My New Favorite Thing...
Here is their site, scroll down 3/4 the way to "The Big Score".
Friday, March 04, 2011
Oakland Goodwill Clock
We had an hour to kill between field trip locations, so I stopped by a goodwill store in Oakland. I found this 1970's era wind up wall clock. The face and case are 1970s faux american colonial style. Too tacky to use in in real life, yet not tacky enough to be cool. It was $9.99 and had nice mechanical movement under the face, so I bought it with then intent of making a cool steampunk exposed movement style clock. We shall see once I rip it apart.
Field trip to Chater Camera and DTC Grip Electric
John Chater demoing an AF100.
Here is the video: awesome.
You can see a much cleaner version on Vimeo here: http://vimeo.com/20728422