John Chater demoing an AF100.
John Chater giving a great overview of cameras and cinematography and business advice and...
A very quick setup for the Phantom demo. Student Tiffany Ireland stood in with a Joker 400 as the only source backlight with bounce fill. Simple, elegant.
More cameras filming than at 2nd grade recital.
Here is the video: awesome.
You can see a much cleaner version on Vimeo here:
The obligatory water splash @ 2,500fps.
As I get older, I find I look more and more like a bird.
At DTC I found 50+ students waiting for me - far more than I figured would make the trip... I guess that says good things about their dedication and bad things about my planning skills
The tour was led by operations manager Dan Mode.
Inside the shop they got a chance to see a fully equipped rental house.
This is the group. This is what I get to look at all day...
Upstairs was something almost as menacing...