The location was nice, the weather was pleasant, everyone there was fun and professional.
The camera package was a Panasonic HD Varicam, with a fujinon 17x lens. We had a 5-ton grip/electric package from gaffer Dave Bunge
We were supposed to get a mattebox and follow focus, but those were still on order in Germany, so we did w/o. A little bit of blackwrap as an eyebrow when needed, otherwise, we shot clean.
We started the day at 8:00am outside the school.

We used a mirror board to pump a beam of light in thru a window and onto the ceiling for fill. We also had a couple of 4x4 kinos flanking the entrance to the door as well.

Above, from top:
The lead singer making a cameo.
The director, Erik Espera talking with the steadicam operator.
A wider shot showing the exterior of the school
Below: A Lighting Plan